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Need a New Holiday? Here's Our Top 12 Picks for Your Calendar

Tired of celebrating the same old holidays year after year? Probably not, but you may be interested in spicing it up this year by sprinkling in some quirky holidays on the side just to make life more interesting. Lucky for you, there are a lot of holidays that you probably haven’t heard of before that would be fun to write down on your calendar.

Here at MRM Agency, we’ve put together a list of our top twelve favorite unusual holidays so you don’t have to. Scroll through, pick a couple of your favorites, and consider doing something this year (or any year) for that special day.

January 22

National Answer Your Cat's Questions Day

Photo by Karina Vorozheeva on Unsplash

Yep, this is a real holiday. Any cat owner knows that their little fluff ball is a curious fluff ball, so take this day as an opportunity to sit down with them and disclose any knowledge they might like to know. Hopefully, by getting it out of the way now, they’ll leave you alone longer to work on that project you’ve been avoiding. Hopefully…

February 28

National Public Sleeping Day

Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash

Sometimes, you just need a nap. So if you’re out and about on the last day of February and feel like resting your eyes for a minute (or ten), just go for it! And if anyone gives you guff about it, point to the calendar. It’s not a cure-all excuse, but it might be fun with family or friends.

March 26

Make Up Your Own Holiday Day

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

If you’re tired of not finding the right holiday for you, this is a great opportunity. Just make it up! Find something you enjoy and make this your day for celebrating it. And if you’ve got kids, even better because they’d probably love to create their own holiday too. Who knows, maybe you’ll discover some new personal tradition this way.

April 14

National Look Up at The Sky Day

Photo by Szabo Viktor on Unsplash

Honestly, you should be looking up at the sky more often. It’s amazing, day and night. Maybe use this as an excuse to go on a camping trip to where you can get a good view of the Milky Way, or just make some time in your busy day to watch the clouds from your office window. Wherever you are, whenever you are, you can find a way to celebrate this fun holiday.

May 29

Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day

Photo by Agata Create on Unsplash

If you’re the superstitious type, then keep an eye on the calendar for May 29. This strange holiday traces its origins from old tales of putting linen in the pantry for good luck. So, for the modern equivalent, put your pillow on the fridge. Does it work? Find out and let us know!

June 6

National Drive-in Movie Day

Photo by Cesira Alvarado on Unsplash

I’m sure you love movies like the rest of us, but have you ever gone to an actual drive in? Find one in your local area and give it a shot. Make it a cute date night or a simple excuse to hang out with friends and watch a good show.

July 2

World UFO Day

Photo by Michael Herren on Unsplash

Looking for little green men in your backyard? You’re not alone. July 2 (and sometimes June 24) is dedicated to watching the night skies for strange phenomena. If you’re not into looking for ETs, maybe just go stargazing instead. Or maybe stay inside and watch a good movie featuring your favorite fictional spacemen.

August 10

National Lazy Day

Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

It’s exactly what it sounds like. On this day, don’t feel too bad for staying in bed and watching TV all day. If being lazy isn't for you, maybe plan ahead and clear your schedule for a little day trip...whatever floats your boat.

September 28

Ask a Stupid Question Day

Photo by Edwin Andrade on Unsplash

This one is intended for students, but we all know that stupid questions don’t disappear just because you graduated. Don’t feel too embarrassed for asking those silly but need-to-know questions on this day. You could simply ask Google like everyone does on every other day.

October 15

National "I Love Lucy" Day

Photo by Ajeet Mestry on Unsplash

Even if you haven’t seen the show, you are probably already aware of how monumentally important “I Love Lucy” was for shaping modern television. This day commemorates the show on the date the original episode aired in 1951. Take it as an opportunity to sit down, watch a couple episodes, and see what exactly the 50’s had to offer.

November 20

National Absurdity Day

Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

Look, life is crazy. It doesn’t take anyone very long to realize that. This holiday is dedicated to recognizing and accepting all the absurd things in our daily lives. Or, you can use it as an excuse to be crazy and absurd. Take your pick.

December 31

Make Up Your Mind Day

Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

Everyone has had a New Year’s resolution at one point or another. Well, this is the day where you pick your New Year’s resolutions for the coming year. Use this day to sit down and really think about who you are and who you want to be, and make a decision. If you’ve gotten this far and want some actual life advice: it’s not about the decisions you make, it’s about making a decision and sticking with it. So make this your excuse to look at the options in front of you and make a choice. Even if it’s something as simple as what color pants to wear the next day.

Bonus Holidays

Finished our list of quirky holidays and looking for more? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Below is a list of holidays that didn’t quite make the list. Take a look and do your own research to understand them better.

January 2: Run It Up a Flagpole and See If Anyone Solutes It Day

February 11: Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day

February 23: International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day

March 15: Everything You Think is Wrong Day

March 16: Everything You Do is Right Day

April 23: Impossible Astronaut Day

July 2: I Forgot Day

July 4: Sidewalk Egg Frying Day

July 27: Take Your Pants For a Walk Day

August 24: Pluto Demoted Day

September 1: No Rhyme or Reason Day

October 22: Caps Lock Day

November 4: Common Sense Day

December 8: Pretend To Be a Time Traveler Day

December 14: Monkey Day

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